Proje Numarası: 01090920
Proje Adı :
Carbon Neutral Sports Clubs NetworkProje Ortakları:
- Bulgarian Sports Development
Association- Bulgaria - Dubrovnik Sports Association- Croatia
- Ginásio Clube Português- Portugal
- L'Orma SSD a.r.l.- Italy
- University Educons- Serbia
- Sport and Recreation Association for
the Disabled “Kinitiko Ergastiri”- Greece
- Bulgarian Sports Development
Gönüllü ve Katılımcılarımızdan Yorumlar
Hi, I am Umut Utku and I was a participant at #stopforplanet project in Togo 🇹🇬. I experienced Europe countries a lot but this time, Africa, was the best and most different experience I’ve ever had. The city, local people, villages, kids, everything was so different that even after a week we still couldn’t adapt. Everyday was an unforgettable memory. The topic was all about climate change and environmental issues and we discussed so many things, also some of us realized, learned things that they have never thought about. Other than that many participant made some decisions about pollution, recycling, reusing in their daily life. Working with local people, experiencing their daily life was amazing. The participants and the staff was really into the project and issues. Thank everyone for everything, I really appreciate🎈🇹🇬🇬🇷🇹🇷🇫🇷
Umut Utku
Kargenç Club desteğiyle katıldığım iki Erasmus+ projesinde edindiğim tecrübeler sayesinde kendimi geliştirme konusunda büyük bir yol katettim. Herkesin mutlaka en az bir kez böyle projelerde yer alması her anlamda kişinin kendi yararına olacaktır. Yeni bakış açıları kazanmak , arkadaşlıklar edinmek , farklı kültürler hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak ve kendinizi değişik alanlarda geliştirmek için harika bir fırsat. Akademik ve sosyal alanlar başta olmak üzere birçok alanda ileriye gitmeme destek olduğu için Kargenç Club’a teşekkür ederim.
Spending a week in Togo gave me the opportunity to meet people from all around the world and share this experience together. We got the chance to collaborate with people from different cultures in order to achieve our common goal about environmental conscience and climate change.
I feel very lucky that I have the opportunity to take part in the exchange programme "Stop for Planet" in Togo. The 7 days that we spent in Kpalime, we met so many different people and cultures. It was very interesting to talk about climate change and see the difficulties that each country face on due to this. It was a life change experience that I will never forget!! Act now in order to stop climate change!!
Hı, I’m Onat from Turkey.I’m participiant for KARGENÇ.This project increased my knowledge and sensitivity about the environment. Working with different people from all over the world for our own world increased my sense of responsibility in this matter. Also ı met new peoples from Togo, Greece and france. I learned a lot of things about Togo and it changed my perspective on life. “STOP FOR PLANET”
My participation in the Project Small Touches for our planet was a life changing experience. The activities, workshops and discussions helped me acquire knowledge and raise my awareness about the climate change. The most important part was the ideas which we exchanged with people from different countries, it was a big pleasure to view different perspectives. Last but not least, I got inspired by the organic friendly policies in Togo.
"Being a part of this initiative was a unique opportunity to learn more about climate change, as well as to discuss on good practices & further solutions. The facts worldwide "speak" : The need is highly imperative to develop public environmental awareness, to create governmental synergies and to take individual responsibilities. 'Small Touches For Our Planet’ project was a really successful trigger to learn and act more!"
Hello I'm Audrey
This program STOP is a truly rewarding program that encourages us to prioritize the protection of the environment in our everyday habits. ✌🏽
It emphasizes interculturality.❤️🍃
Hi, I'm Şeyma;
I participated in the "Stop For Planet" project carried out in Africa-Lome between 25-31 July. I've learned what the countries do about recycling. How much water is spent on produced items? We have shared an idea of the harms and benefits they give to the environment. I caught the chance to observe the place where cocoa is produced. We visited Kpalim's famous waterfall . I was in Africa thanks to the Kargenç club. I had a nice week, I met wonderful people, I learned good things and discovered Africa. It was a great experience for me. I hope we will meet again in the future.
Heyy, its Esra and i participated one of the project in Togo that carried out by kargencclub
All the things that I’ve experienced during this project was one and only.
From The moment that being able to see all the shades of green was incredible
And once started to discover what was hidden behind this “green” was the moment made me speechless and all amazed.
We saw the lifestyles of an African people and understood how hardworking they were. The meals that they cook gave me the chance to taste different flavors and spices. And all the colorful dresses which they were sewing just by themselves making a beauty among them. And thanks to this project for made me able to see I even if we are from different places and cultures, we were sharing the same feelings and ideas to make good changes for our world ,for our future. Thank you everyone 🤩
It was very valuable to me because it is the first project I participated in. The participants and our trainer were very friendly. I didn't feel like a stranger during the one week I spent in Romania. It felt like I was participating in an event for one week with my friends. The hotel where we stayed was surrounded by nature, and peaceful. Since we were far from the city centre, we spent our free time playing games with each other. I made friends from different parts of the world and got to know different cultures. In terms of the subject of the project, I learned new information about migration, which is my special interest area. Discussing this topic with people from different parts of the world expanded my perspective on the subject.
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